When we dive into the ocean with our eyes open but without a diving mask, our vision is blurred and we can’t clearly identify the objects surrounding us. However, when we put on our goggles, the sea world suddenly comes into focus. We can now appreciate the ocean’s beauty in a way we couldn’t before and can quickly identify what is friendly and what is not.
Life can seem pretty vague. For many of us, we journey aimlessly through our lives trying to find sense and purpose to something that seems pointless. When we accept theories of evolution and atheism, our worldview becomes a Godless universe. We have accepted that our existence is a random accident and if there is a purpose to our life, it’s simply to breed and then expire. Everything becomes relative – right and wrong becomes blurred and we lose the ability to properly identify what is good or bad.
Today, many people are in a funk. Depression is an ever-present shadow. Life is endured not embraced. People have lost their focus and their way, but sadly few will change because they are wise in their own understanding.
Yet, if we look at life through the Word of God (the Bible), everything takes on a completely different appearance. We will see things with a clarity that could never be attained relying on our own sight. Suddenly, there is understanding as to why certain things happen. We can discern beauty in a way we could never appreciate before. We can identify right from wrong thus avoiding many snares. We can also see a purpose and meaning to our existence.
God never intended us to travel through life disorientated and vulnerable to every danger. He gave us His Word to see clearly. The choice is up to us: we can either go through life relying on our own understanding or put on God-goggles and observe things through His eyes. When we start seeing our circumstances and other people from God’s perspective, we quickly develop patience and grace; things cease to bother us; we are more relaxed and life becomes so much better.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3: 5-6.