Computers operate via a series of coded instructions called programs. Although few of us ever meet the originators responsible for these programs, we don’t delude ourselves thinking computers programmed themselves without an original programmer.
How do birds know how to build a nest? How do bees know how to make honey? How do beavers know how to dam a river? How do spiders know how to design a web? How can certain fish and birds migrate thousands of kilometres then return each year with satellite accuracy? How do blind, miniscule, newly born kangaroos know how to wriggle their way from the birth canal all the way to the mother’s pouch to suckle milk? There are so many inexplicable natural phenomena swept under the carpet with the word, ‘INSTINCT’. Do we delude ourselves thinking everything in nature has programmed itself?
In fields such as engineering, academic minds continue to learn complex lessons from nature. Shouldn’t we be asking where nature learnt these lessons, or will we casually say – given time they happen by themselves? The Bible declares that in nature, everything is created by God. Therefore, He is the Original Programmer who wrote the coded instructions we call instinct.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20