Each night, the universe stares down and challenges us to understand it. However, the infinite universe is something far beyond our finite minds to comprehend. It is something that may not have a beginning or an end. If it does – what is beyond? Heaven! Then what is beyond Heaven? Nothing! Then what is beyond Nothing?
The finite mind can easily state what infinity is (academically), yet it cannot possibly grasp something which has no beginning, no middle and no end. Now, just because the infinite universe is beyond our complete understanding, it would be silly to state it does not exist.
Similarly, an infinite God is far beyond human understanding. Our finite minds cannot possibly comprehend a Being who has no beginning or end, is all-powerful, all-knowing and is everywhere at the same time. It is impossible for our finite minds to academically grasp Him, (Isaiah 40:12-14).
Consequently, many are quick to state ‘God does not exist’. However, we cannot reject God (and still remain objective) because He doesn’t conveniently fit within our limited range of understanding. If we do, we should equally state, ‘The universe does not exist’.
“God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.” Acts 17:24-25