A word only has meaning when defined. Without definition a word is simply a meaningless sound.
Our life only has meaning when it is defined, and we define ourselves by what we believe. If we believe in unproven ‘theories’ of evolution, we believe our life is merely the result of many miraculous mishaps. We define ourselves and our children as cosmic accidents with no high purpose – born simply to reproduce and then to die. If we believe in ‘nothing’, sadly we are defined by our belief (ironically, evolutionists spend their lives trying to prove that life is meaningless). As a word is a meaningless sound without definition, so, too, a life defined by ‘nothing’ is sadly a meaningless existence.
On the flip side, as God has stated in the Bible, we are not ‘nothings’. We are actually so important that the Creator of the universe took on the form of a man (Jesus Christ) and paid the complete penalty for all transgressions (sins) that any who believe on Him (Christ) will have everlasting life. God defines us as His sons and daughters, much beloved by Him.
Furthermore, God has given us a higher purpose in life with which to define ourselves. When we identify with His purpose, our life is filled with meaning and we become motivated to run the race that God has set before us.